Health Benefits
Learn about the health benefits of riding
BeeBikes Promotes General Health

E-biking is an aerobic activity that assists the rider when pedaled, which makes it a great option for older bikers, people suffering from diseases, smokers, and much more. Physical activity improves lung health, muscle strength, and boosts endurance. BeeBikes manages asthma, blood pressure, and other common conditions.

E-Biking has multiple heath benefits, some of which include improving cardiac health, strengthening muscles, and preventing serious health complications. The US Government recommends that we all get at least 2.5 hours of aerobic exercise. Even so, the CDC has found that about 80% of Americans fall short of this goal. E-Biking has the potential to help people meet the suggested exercise goal, especially if they use it as part of their everyday life. Such as commuting to work. However, not everyone can bike, due to low levels of fitness, age-relates limitations, steep hills, long distances, the need to transport groceries or children, etc. This is where Beebikes come in. Beebikes makes biking possible for a wider range of people.